Military recruitment is lagging.
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It's Wednesday! T [[link removed]] hree more top staffers have bailed [[link removed]] on the Biden administration's press office in less than a week. Should We Live Stream the J6 Hearing on Thursday? [[link removed]] Jan6 Committee
Many people have sat down with the committee voluntarily; it has also issued over 100 subpoenas to lawmakers [[link removed]], internet and communications companies, Trump White House officials, and others.
How Are You Enjoying the Robust Economy Biden claims his administration has achieved the most 'robust recovery in modern history' [[link removed]]- despite gas prices more than DOUBLING since he entered office, approval in his handling of the economy plummeting, and inflation at a 40-year high Military Recruitment Lags
The military faced a drop-off in recruitment during the pandemic: Each branch met active component goals, but reserve numbers have fallen short each year. That shortage has now hit the Active component goals for the Army and Navy [[link removed]].
There is no Emergency
Jean-Pierre struggled to explain Biden’s invocation of the Defense Production Act to build solar panels. She justified Biden’s use of the DPA by falsely claiming there is a current electricity shortage that solar panels can help alleviate. [[link removed]]
Fleeing Blue States
New IRS data show successful Americans fleeing high-tax states and heading to lower-tax states to make a new home. [[link removed]]
Book Giveaway
I went to Dave Rubin's show a couple of weeks ago and have two of his books to give away. You just have to join this group [[link removed]] and answer the question! [[link removed]]
Debunking Biden's Deficit Decline
Biden has repeatedly claimed that his administration’s economic policies have helped to reduce the federal deficit [[link removed]], even though those very spending-happy measures have contributed to rampant inflation
Your Funny for the Day! Life was so good [[link removed]]!If you are dating, this is a good question to ask [[link removed]].How to tell if Hillary is after you [[link removed]].
State Primaries in June
June 14th: Maine [[link removed]], Nevada [[link removed]], North Dakota [[link removed]], South Carolina [[link removed]]June 2st: Virginia [[link removed]]June 28th: Illinois [[link removed]], Colorado [[link removed]], Utah [[link removed]], New York [[link removed]], Oklahoma [[link removed]] Get your ULTRA MAGA shirt here! [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
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