Dennis & Julie June 7, 2022:
Is There Any Hope?
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss masking, capitalizing the “B” in black, racial terminology, and wheter it is safe for conservatives to share their opinions publicly.
Other topics discussed: people that share famous names; JFK conspiracies; thanking law enforcement is a must, they see a side of life most do not; the future of the Left, America, and social media; is there hope… there IS, but there’s no chance; young people would be better off not chasing once in a lifetime experiences, but instead developing a few good habits; social media can be a huge waste of time, and trying to curb your use of it is difficult; “the medium is the message” - Marshall McLuhan; a good person in the Left’s view fights America’s bad aspects… a good person on the Right fights the bad aspects of themselves; you must know your opposition by reading them rather than using intellectual shortcuts.