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We are reeling from another senseless slaughter of schoolchildren in Uvalde, Texas where 19 young children and two teachers were killed by guns. Since then, there have been more than 30 additional mass shootings across the United States, and that's on top of the roughly 100 people who are shot and killed by guns every day.
Enough is enough. We will not tolerate "thoughts and prayers" from our elected leaders who can do something about this senseless gun violence right now.
Congress can easily implement wildly popular and effective solutions to stop gun violence, but due to the Senate filibuster — where a vocal minority of Senators who represent a minority of the country can hold up any legislation that does not have 60 senators to bring it up to a vote — prevents any meaningful action to keep our communities safe.
The filibuster is killing us, and it's time to end it once and for all.
Tell the Senate: End the filibuster to pass sensible gun safety reform to stop gun violence. Click here to sign the petition.
After the Sandy Hook massacre, Congress took up legislation to strengthen gun background check laws with bipartisan, majority support, but the bill died on the Senate floor because it failed to override a filibuster.
Despite claims by those who support the filibuster, this archaic Senate rule does not "encourage consensus" — or else incredibly popular reforms like universal background checks, increasing the age to purchase weapons or banning high capacity magazines would already be law. Instead, the filibuster acts as the final refuge of obstructionists backed by the NRA who seek to block any and all sensible reform.
How many more lives will be lost to guns until we abolish the filibuster? We must speak out now to demand that the Senate act immediately to end the filibuster to protect our schools and our communities.
Please join us and tell the Senate: End the filibuster to pass sensible gun safety reform to stop gun violence. Click here to sign the petition.
Thank you for speaking out.
-The team at CREDO Mobile
P.S. Want to do more? CREDO grantee March for Our Lives is organizing marches this Saturday, June 11 in Washington, DC and in communities across the country to demonstrate to elected officials that we deserve and demand a nation free of gun violence. Click here to learn more and to join a march near you.
Over $93 million donated to progressive causes since 1985.  CREDO Mobile - The pioneer in doing good since 1985.