Join Green Party members and supporters and march as part of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) 'We Demand Better' march and rally!
Image of a protest crowd with text overlaid that reads, We demand better! Join the TUC march and rally 18th June 2022. Meet at Regents Park Tube, 11am



Join the Green Party Trade Union Group in London on 18th June to march on Westminster and demand this government take real action on the cost-of-living crisis.


As co-leader Carla Denyer said: “Distracted by scandal after scandal, this Government is utterly failing to get a grip on the twin crises of the rising cost of living and the climate emergency."

The Green Party has the policies and the ambition to tackle this crisis:


💚 Mass home insulation to slash bills and create green jobs

💚 A tax on corporate super-profits and support for those most in need

💚 A £15 minimum wage to put money in workers’ pockets

Who else will be there?


Trade unions and people from across the UK will converge on London to call on the Government to take real action to support people during the greatest crisis in living standards for a generation.


If you, like many others, have had enough, join us!


You can find out more about the march here>>


In hope,


Green Party


p.s. If you can't make it in London on 18th, we still need your support in holding this government to account. Donate here or join the Green Party.