Across the country, Americans are feeling the pinch at the pump.
Did you see this message from Representative Katie Porter, John?

Across the country, Americans are feeling the pinch at the pump. Kim knows we need to do everything we can to bring down costs for families, which is why she and Katie Porter introduced the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act. This bill, which would lower gas prices by making predatory price hikes illegal, passed the House last month – but now we need the Senate to take action.

Will you add your name to show your support for Kim and Katie's bill to stop gas price gouging?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Katie Porter
Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2022
Subject: Kim Schrier and I are holding Big Oil companies accountable

Hey team,

While Americans feel the squeeze of rising gas prices, Big Oil company profits are at a 7-year high — with Shell reporting three times the quarterly profits they made a year earlier.

That’s why my friend Kim Schrier and I introduced the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act, which would lower gas prices by making these predatory price hikes illegal. I’m proud to share that it passed the House, but now we need it to pass in the Senate so it can become law. Will you sign our petition to tell the Senate to get this passed?


Fossil fuel companies are taking advantage and raising their prices well above the rate of inflation. It’s price gouging, plain and simple. Big Oil is showing us exactly why capitalism needs guardrails to work for working people.

Without passing legislation to hold Big Oil companies accountable, corporations are free to continue price gouging American families. Kim and I will keep fighting to hold them accountable, and I hope Republicans will put the needs of American families ahead of the profit margins of fossil fuel companies.

Thanks for your support!


P.S. -- Kim and I are running in two of the most competitive House races in the country. We could really use your help to ramp up our campaigns. Use this link to make a donation that will be split between our campaigns.>
Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.


Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
PO Box 2728
Issaquah, WA 98027
United States

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