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World Resources Institute


4 Smart Ocean Investments 

Research shows that every $1 spent on mangrove restoration, offshore wind energy, shipping decarbonization and other sustainable ocean solutions yields roughly $5 in economic benefits. In honor of World Ocean Day (June 8), WRI experts explain why investing in the world’s “blue economy” is good business. Read more.

Photo by normalfx/iStock
Volunteers plant mangrove trees in Phuket, Thailand. Research shows that every $1 invested in mangrove restoration and conservation yields $3 in benefits. Photo by normalfx/iStock
Photo from Shutterstock - Gas Flare

Despite Methane’s Potency, Few Countries Have Targets to Reduce It 

Methane is 80 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and is responsible for nearly half the warming the world has already experienced. Yet WRI analysis shows that only three of the world’s top methane-emitting countries have set quantified targets to reduce it. Shazabe Akhtar and Katie Ross explain

Press Release

Meet WRI’s New Managing Directors 

WRI is pleased to welcome five new managing directors to its leadership team. The directors will work closely with WRI President & CEO Ani Dasgupta to bring the institute into a new era of growth, reach and impact. “Building on 40 years of success, WRI is entering a new phase and equipping itself for the future,” Dasgupta said. “These remarkable individuals not only bring unparalleled expertise in support of WRI’s mission, but also unparalleled humanity, humility and true collaborative spirit needed to address the world’s most urgent challenges for people and nature.” Learn more

Sourced by WRI - Food in trash can

How Can We Make Food Waste Socially Unacceptable? 

Reducing food waste can improve the world’s food supply at a moment when conflict and rising prices are contributing to a looming food security crisis. It’s also a potentially powerful lever to combat climate change as rotting food is a major methane emitter. New research from WRI’s behavioral scientists explores how “social norms” messaging could help households limit food waste. Read more



Take Charge: Electric School Bus Infrastructure
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT

2023 GFW Small Grants Fund Webinar
Thursday, June 16, 2022
9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT

How to Find the Latest Trends in GHG Emissions With Climate Watch
Thursday, June 22, 2022
9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT