Good afternoon,
Here's the AIA weekly update for June 7, 2022...
🗒️ Challenging SJP Chicago’s Lies and Toxic Radicalism
In yet another revealing example of its hypocrisy and obtuseness when assessing the consequences of its own behavior, the University of Chicago’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) was again whining about being...
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🗒️ ‘2000 Mules’ Review: No ‘smoking gun’ on stolen election claims
The much-hyped “2000 Mules” documentary, produced by right-wing activist Dinesh D’Souza in partnership with Salem Media, was a dud.
The title of the documentary came from the drug or human trafficking term and was an...
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🗒️ Medical schools infiltrated by Critical Race Theory
Think Critical Race Theory is only in public schools?
Think again.
A recent Fox News report claimed that “at least 39 of America’s 50 most prestigious medical colleges and universities have some form of mandatory...
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🗒️ Texas librarian laments Critical Race Theory ban
It is increasingly clear that some public school librarians, like teachers, believe that they are the last line of defense for truth, despite what is included in their job description.
One example of left-wing activism...
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🗒️ South Dakota professor complains about Critical Race Theory ban
The parent-led fight against Critical Race Theory’s implementation in public schools is not losing momentum, contrary to the expressed wishes of left-wing teachers, college professors, education bureaucrats and administrators.
One example of Critical Race Theory’s...
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Have a great week!
-- The Accuracy in Academia team
Accuracy in Academia PO Box 5647 Derwood, MD 20855-0647 United States |