Please join us in taking action to advance Medicare dental coverage this week! Senators Stabenow and Cardin are circulating a "Dear Colleague" letter urging the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to take action on medically necessary Medicare dental coverage.
We hope you will urge your own Senators to sign the letter by THIS FRIDAY JUNE 10th.  
You can use this email template to contact Senate offices,  sharing the letter and asking them to join [Sentors officially sign by emailing Amy in Sen. Stabenow’s office [email protected]].
Families USA and many of our partners have been working with Congress and the Biden Administration to move forward on medically necessary dental coverage in Medicare. This administrative action would be a huge step for people who desperately need dental care to stay healthy, and an important move toward comprehensive Medicare dental coverage in the future.
The House plans to circulate a letter with the same content sometime soon—we will alert you when we hear that is happening. Reach out to Melissa Burroughs ([email protected]) if you need help getting in touch with offices, have questions, or get asked any questions from your Senate contacts.
Melissa Burroughs
Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships
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