You hear all the time there is a lot on the line in November, but I’ll keep it simple. This election boils down to one thing: freedom.
While other states were locking people down, Florida was lifting people up. In Florida, during the pandemic, we had a Governor who held the line and stood strong in defense of the rights of the people.
Floridians kept their right to earn a living, to breathe, to send their kids to school, and to see their loved ones, all without fear of government lockdowns or mandates.
Because Florida stood strong and led, the rest of the nation had an example to follow.
Florida has, and still does, represent the shining light on the hill to the world. It confirmed that the idea of America is still alive and well.
So, this November, when you vote…
You’re voting for freedom.
You’re voting because you believe your rights emanate from God, not government.
You’re voting for education, not indoctrination.
You’re voting for parents’ rights.
You’re voting for the rule of law.
And you’re voting to tell corporate media to take a hike!
If we turn out this election the way I know we can, we will continue to KEEP FLORIDA FREE! Are you with us? Pledge your support NOW!