From Andrew Yang <[email protected]>
Subject What you’re doing makes a huge difference in how we campaign. Thank you for everything.
Date December 1, 2019 9:21 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang -- we did it!

We raised $2 million in a week.

That’s incredible.  I remember when the team talked to me about this goal,
I thought it was ambitious and aggressive.  But I also knew that if anyone
could do it, it would be you, Yang Gang!

Not only did we hit the goal, but we hit another milestone.  Yesterday was
the single biggest fundraising day in the history of the campaign.  We are
showing everyone that a grassroots campaign funded by the people can take
on the establishment.

There’s no stopping you, no stopping us -- and there’s no stopping this
campaign.  We are continuing to rise in the polls and grow everywhere.

So thank you, Yang Gang -- none of this would be possible without you. 
You truly are a force to be reckoned with.

Your contribution and the fundraising allows us to run a different type of
campaign -- a campaign that’s playing to win.  We’re up on the air in Iowa
and New Hampshire right now, and we’ll be up even longer because of you!

[ [link removed] ]As a thank you, I wanted to share our new ad.  Your contributions are
what allow us to share this message with voters in early states.  You can
watch it here:

[ [link removed] ]Screenshot image from new Andrew Yang ad

[ [link removed] ]Watch

December is the most important month yet for our campaign.  We will need
to have our biggest month of growth if we’re going to qualify for the
debates and run the campaign we need to win.  But I know with this team,
everything is possible.

Let’s make history in 2020!


We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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