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I’m so grateful to everyone who joined us for our official campaign kick-off! I spoke with so many people who are eager to keep the 47th District blue so Democrats can continue building on the progress our state has already made.

We flipped this district from red to blue in 2018 – but in a tough midterm environment, we know the GOP will do whatever it takes to claw back power.

That’s why we’ve set an ambitious kick-off goal of reaching 250 contributions in the next 24 hours. Can I count on you to contribute towards our goal so we have a strong grassroots foundation to withstand the GOP attacks that are sure to come our way?
I’m running for State Senate to fight for working families in Washington’s 47th Legislative District because it’s all on the line this November. Everything that we’ve accomplished – from affordable housing to education access to climate action – is at stake if we don’t hold this seat.

Anything you can give today will go a long way toward defending our Democratic majority.

Thank you for standing with me in this fight!

– Satwinder



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Paid for by Washington Senate Democratic Campaign

Washington Senate Democratic Campaign
5628 Airport Way South
Suite 108
Seattle, WA 98108
United States