John, It's hard to believe, but we're already halfway through the year. Every June, we take a deep dive into year-to-date fundraising numbers to make sure we’re on track to meet all of our financial obligations.


It's hard to believe, but we're already halfway through the year. Every June, we take a deep dive into year-to-date fundraising numbers to make sure we’re on track to meet all of our financial obligations. 

We just finalized our report, and our online grassroots fundraising is 26.7% behind our projections for this point in the year.

We can move some things around to avoid making cuts for a few days. But the truth is, this is a big shortfall, and if we don't get back on track by Friday, we'll have no choice but to make some tough decisions.

We did the math, and to catch up, we need to raise at least $25,000 by Friday. I know that sounds like a lot, but if everyone reading this email donates even just $5, we’d get there in no time. So if you can, please chip in what you can right away.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Nora Ptacek
Finance Director
Minnesota DFL

DFL Victory Club

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Your monthly sustaining contribution will help us fight for fair maps during 2022 redistricting, re-elect Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan in 2022, and turn our Minnesota legislature from purple to solid blue.