We’ve fought hard to share our progressive message of change and progress with our community. Now is our chance to keep pushing it forward.
By voting with this campaign, you’re putting your trust in a person who cares about what you and your family’s need.
Liz cares about us because she’s gone through the same struggles. She’s seen our schools drained by Republicans. She’s watched friends and family struggle to afford healthcare and get access to quality mental health resources, and she’s seen our state and our nation become divided by polarization and harsh rhetoric.
This campaign is about working together as a community to address all of that.
Liz believes firmly that we all rise up, together.
That means that when we stand together and fight for what we believe in, we all find ourselves better off than we were before.
So get out there and vote in this important election. And tell your friends to join you! This election is to important to spend on the sidelines.
Let’s get out there and win this thing!
Thanks for your support,
Team Bennett for Senate
PS - Need to find your polling place? Head to lizbennett.com/where-do-i-vote. See you at the polls!