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Bad Branding: Another blobby bite at the anti-restraint apple

By Stephen M. Walt on Jun 03, 2022 01:30 pm

Unfortunately for establishment critics, the war in Ukraine is making their own case for US primacy less appetizing by the day.
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Biden plans visit to Saudi Arabia, hat in hand

By Trita Parsi on Jun 03, 2022 12:19 pm

MBS is playing hardball with the United States, and the White House is just letting him win. Why?
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UAE security pact: Does US stand for ‘Uncle Sucker’?

By Daniel Larison on Jun 03, 2022 03:15 am

If reports of a new agreement with Abu Dhabi are true it will not only entrench us in the region but heap rewards on a bad regional actor.
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Breaking: Yemen ceasefire extended after today’s expiration

By Annelle Sheline on Jun 02, 2022 03:00 am

Both sides have up held parts of the bargain but the reprieve in violence is fragile. Washington cannot ignore its own role moving forward.
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Congress begins effort to end US role in Yemen war

By Kate Kizer on Jun 01, 2022 01:25 pm

A bill introduced in the House this week will mark the third time lawmakers have invoked their war powers during the conflict.
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