Let’s mobilize for climate action together.

Hi there John,

This time of year I’m always thankful — not just because of the season — but because of supporters like you. You help make it possible to call for bold solutions to confront the climate crisis and we couldn’t be more grateful.

But we need to grow this movement even more if we’re going to win. With just a few days to go before Giving Tuesday, a national day of giving back, 350.org can use your help to bring in more people to fight for climate action.

Will you start a Facebook fundraiser today to help 350.org reach more people and scale up our campaigns?

100% of the proceeds will go directly to 350.org, and they take just a few clicks to set up.

Our work is powered by people just like you. Pushing the envelope on climate action is at the core of what we do. From divesting almost $12 from the fossil fuel industry to banning fracking across Brazil, to stopping the financing of dirty energy projects in East Asia, we are working around the world to build a sustainable and equitable world thanks to supporters like you.

But we need to go bigger and bolder if we’re going to take on the climate crisis. Start a fundraiser and let’s mobilize for climate action together.

Thank you for keeping our hope alight and our hearts full,

P.S. Not on Facebook but want to bring friends and family into this fight? Share this donation page today. Looking for advice on setting up a fundraiser? Check out these helpful tips.

350.org is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
Keep 350.org strong by chipping in right now:

Chip in $3

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