We can’t afford to wait.

Ilhan for Congress

The House is set to finally take action on gun violence this week.

We plan on passing legislation to raise the minimum age for buying semi-automatic weapons, enact red flag laws to temporarily keep guns out of the hands of those at risk of hurting themselves or others, and ban the use of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines by civilians.

Let me be clear that this should only be the start of our work — we also need to ban assault rifles, pass universal background checks, and ensure domestic abusers cannot get guns.

After decades of inaction, we must move forward with sensible gun safety reforms so future generations do not have to live with preventable gun violence.

The House will vote on gun violence prevention legislation this week, and the Senate must follow suit. Can you add your name next to mine to call on the Senate to act to prevent gun violence?


We’ve seen 13 mass shootings in our country since Friday, and many communities were already experiencing or living in fear of gun violence.

In the United States of America, no child should have to lay in wait in their classrooms like I did growing up in a war-torn country. No one should have to fear that they won’t return home from work or running errands.

The House and the Senate must work quickly to send comprehensive gun safety legislation to President Biden’s desk. Please, add your name to demand immediate action on gun violence:


In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar