With U.S. families now spending an average of $327 per month more than usual, said the groups, "this toll on family budgets could be offset by a single monthly CTC payment."
"We hope this use of the Defense Production Act is a turning point for the president, who must use all his executive powers to confront the climate emergency head-on," said Jean Su with the Center for Biological Diversity.
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It has now been turned into the rationale for a Republican Supreme Court majority to enact an extreme right-wing political agenda, often opposed by a majority of the American people.
There will be no gun control, not only because of the gun lobby and a corrupt political class, but because for many white Americans the idea of the gun is the only power they have left.
War, nuclear annihilation, climate chaos, pandemics, and devastating economic and social inequalities make for extremely tumultuous and dangerous times. But we have the resources and solutions to resolve each of them.