Supreme Court will hear Wilkins v. United States of America

I’m excited to share the good news that the Supreme Court announced today it will hear Wilkins v. United States of America, a case challenging a government bait-and-switch that tramples property rights and peace of mind. This will be PLF’s 18th case at the nation’s highest court.

At issue is a road near Montana’s Bitterroot National Forest. Previous landowners in 1962 granted the U.S. Forest Service limited, non-public use of the road. In 2006, the agency started advertising the road as open to the public, forcing neighbors Larry “Wil” Wilkins and Jane Stanton to deal with all manner of traffic, damage, noise, trespassing, and illegal hunting.

The Forest Service cannot suddenly change the rules to get better access than it paid for sixty years ago—at the expense of property rights. Wil, Jane, and PLF are asking the Supreme Court to stop government’s unconstitutional efforts to grab land it never owned.

Along with Sackett v. EPA, PLF now has two cases before the Supreme Court in the next term that starts in October. We look forward to defending liberty before the highest court in the land in both cases. And we’re confident that liberty will prevail.

Read about today’s announcement and please stay tuned for much more on this case in the months ahead.

Thank you for your support,

Steven D. Anderson
President and CEO

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