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Where in the World is Cathie Adams?
Engage with Eagle Forum is continuing our series of showcasing our faithful leaders. This week, Colleen Holcomb chats with Eagle Forum’s Vice President Cathie Adams.
Cathie shares about the issues that “drew her out of the pew” and propelled her toward policy reform at the state, federal, and global level. After realizing that decisions made in other countries were spilling over into the United States, she trekked to places like China and Japan to be a voice for women and families. Then, she fought to protect her state of Texas from the leftist, socialist, and Marxist policies that seemed to dominate the international relations field.
Cathie reminds us that you don’t have to know it all or be well-known to make a difference for individuals across the globe. Her experience as a leader, mentor, and mother is inspiring to us all.
Listen to “Where in the World is Cathie Adams?” on our website and Apple Podcasts. Please also consider leaving a rating and review. To further Engage, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Eagle Forum's Vice President Cathie Adams joins Engage with Eagle Forum to tell her story of what "drew her out of the pew." Much to her surprise, her passion to protect preborn babies propelled her to be a voice in other countries. You are sure to be inspired!
From your house, to the state house, to the White House, this is Engage with Eagle Forum! 
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