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Have a busted strand of lights? Cat attack the tree again? Before you send the strand to the landfill, consider visiting a recycling drop off location. The copper, metal, and plastic from the lights will be separated and recycled in these specialized processes. Due to the specific process needed, be sure to keep holiday lights out of your curbside recycling bin. If sent to a curbside recycling sorting facility, the lights can tangle equipment and cause potential harm to workers.
Instead, find your holiday lights a new home by visiting the sites below for a location near you:
Originally published on 11/22/19 
The Cook County Board Thursday approved intergovernmental agreements to help fund transportation projects in 27 communities, including Arlington Heights, Des Plaines Elk Grove Village and Mount Prospect.
Arlington Heights will receive $75,000 to construct an at-grade bike and pedestrian crossing on Lake-Cook Road at Wilke Road and a multiuse trail connection into the Lake County Forest Preserve's Buffalo Grove Preserve.
Des Plaines will receive $67,500 undertake initial engineering for a pedestrian and bicycle path along the north side of Oakton Street between Des Plaines River Road and the Des Plaines River Trail.
Elk Grove Village will receive $250,250 for construction on a Biesterfield Road bike and pedestrian path.

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Paid for by Preckwinkle for President. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website,, or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. All contributions are reported to the State Board of Elections. Contributions are not accepted from employees of Cook County.  Companies holding contracts with the Cook County are limited to $750.
Political contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes.





Preckwinkle for President
1516 East 53rd Street
Suite 200
Chicago IL 60615 United States