From Secular Coalition for America <[email protected]>
Subject Reads of Reason - Schisms and Activism
Date June 6, 2022 2:00 PM
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Welcome to Reads of Reason, a weekly compilation of news-clippings that relate to our work advocating for the equal rights of nonreligious Americans and the separation of religion and government. This last week saw divisive opinions being shared throughout our community, positive changes as a result of activism, and continued examination of how religion, guns, and babies go together. Here are some stories you may have missed:

We were reminded that even those united for a cause don't always agree. Robyn E. Blumner, CEO of Center for Inquiry — a coalition member organization, compares the beliefs of identitarianism and humanism in the latest issue of Free Inquiry, pointing out a schism in the Humanist community and stating "Identitarianism Is Incompatible with Humanism ([link removed]) " (June/July 2022; 7 minute read). The editorial touches on identity politics and cancel culture. Countering her argument, Hemant Mehta — founder of Friendly Atheist — writes at OnlySky: ‘Identitarianism’ isn’t tearing humanists apart. It’s making us stronger ([link removed]) (May 31, 2022; 9 minute read). Staying informed about the conversations going on in the secular movement is important, and these two
articles have been widely circulated in the past week.

Speaking of cancel culture, Pastor Greg Locke and his hateful, political rants have been inspiring: TikTokers Say They’re Reporting Churches To The IRS After Pastor’s Bonkers Rant ([link removed]) (May 27, 2022; 2 minute read). This is a great example of direct action. And that's not the only hopeful news lately! Just in time for Pride month, the Mennonite Church USA passes resolution committing to LGBTQ inclusion ([link removed]) (June 2, 2022; 4 minute read), reports Kathryn Post at the Religion News Service. This may be largely symbolic, but it signals a shift that may be closing the distance between religion and equality.

However, Christian nationalism isn't going anywhere. Ja'han Jones explains Why Christian nationalism is suddenly at the forefront ([link removed]) (May 31, 2022; 3 minute read) for The ReidOut Blog on MSNBC. If it seems like that's all anyone is talking about, there's a lot to talk about:
* We're still following Doug Mastriano, Christian Nationalism, and the Cult of the AR-15 ([link removed]) (May 31, 2022; 7 minute read). Thomas Lecaque, an associate professor of history at Grand View University, writes at The xxxxxx about how these 'patriots' are working toward the end of America in order to build a nation where a gun is in every Christian hand.
* In their work to maintain the wall between church and state, our coalition member Freedom From Religion Foundation is mentioned over at Christian News Network: Atheist activist group urges Akron, Ohio to end prayer at city council meetings ([link removed]) (May 27, 2022; 4 minute read). Heather Clark invokes President Lincoln and former Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in a defense of the practice.
* The Freethinker hosts an article by Andrew Seidel and Rachel Laser of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, explaining Reproductive freedom is religious freedom ([link removed]) (June 3, 2022; 8 minute read). Most Americans don't support religious laws, they state, and the Christian nationalist movement has spent decades weaponizing their beliefs.

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