Motion incorporates Kaman divisions into fluid power unit | Dot Foods expands restaurant reach of Tillamook ice cream | New Walmart centers to speed fulfillment with automation
Genuine Parts' Motion has introduced its Mi Fluid Power Solutions business, which includes seven units formerly owned by Kaman Distribution Group. The new business will provide fluid power-related components and services for multiple industries.
Dot Foods is making Tillamook County Creamery Association's ice cream available to restaurants and ice cream shops across the US. Dot Foods already has expanded the availability of Tillamook's cheese, helping it to become the nation's most menu-mentioned cheese.
Walmart will build four state-of-the art e-commerce fulfillment centers in the US over the next three years, starting with one in Joliet, Ill., that is slated to open this summer. The centers, which are expected to create about 4,000 jobs, will feature automated technology that will streamline processes and allow the sites to fulfill twice as many orders in a day as existing facilities, the retailer said.
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Companies can get the most out of their logistics workforces by using labor management systems to measure performance and productivity, find areas for improvement and analyze costs, writes Bridget McCrea. Such systems are also becoming more digitized and gamified, and they can be incorporated into warehouse management systems and other platforms, McCrea writes.
Warehouse operators can overcome labor, capacity and agility challenges by using technology to improve productivity, logistics and communications, writes James Lawton, vice president and general manager of robotics automation at Zebra Technologies. The industrial internet of things, automation, robotics and machine learning can all help "build the operation of tomorrow," Lawton writes.
A lagging customer response to advertising may mean you haven't built trust with them; they don't see the value in your service or product; or your marketing copy is hard to understand, writes Svetoslav Dimitrov, CEO of Copywriting Titan. "Don't forget to be as clear and conversational as possible, and your conversions will go up," Dimitrov writes.
The worldwide marketing automation market is expected to reach $4.71 billion by 2028, up from $2.75 billion in 2021, and email marketing will take the largest share at a little over 32%, according to a Valuates report. The boom in marketing automation is being driven by digital transformation, internet penetration and increased mobile use, spurring marketers to embrace tools to help them deliver personalized content and multichannel strategies.
Beyond simply listening, it is essential for leaders to master the art of organizational listening and equip themselves with important tools and techniques such as roundtables, surveys and open-door policies that they can use to build an organizational listening strategy, writes Bob Lewis, a senior management and IT consultant. To execute an organizational listening strategy, Lewis suggests leaders must free up as much time in their schedule as they can for organizational listening and then gradually integrate the necessary tools and techniques into their weekly work habits.
A common vision, combined with individual and team goals, collaboration and a sense of ownership can create powerful alignment for organizations and help them carry out their strategies, writes Alex Larralde. Larralde recommends certain tools to boost alignment, including software to enhance project management, communication and engagement.