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Policy dialogue on Disrupting the Status Quo: Promoting Children’s Rights Against Abuse

Date: 7th June / 10am
Venue: Holiday Inn, Sunnyside Park Hotel

The Masiphephe Network stakeholders in Orlando, Alexandra, and Diepkloof will convene a policy dialogue on Promoting Children’s Rights Against Abuse. The dialogue will be held with the relevant government departments, civil society organisations, and the media to deliberate on improved practical approaches to ensuring children’s rights and protection from any form of child abuse and maltreatment.

As we commemorate Child Protection Week from 29th May – 4th June and Youth Month, the policy dialogue aims to increase collective knowledge about the prevalence and forms of child abuse in the Masiphephe Network project sites. 

The dialogue will also provide a platform for children to share their concerns about abuse, risky behaviours that foster child abuse, and share their insights on what it means when we say no abuse against children. 

The discussions and findings from the dialogue will influence and inform the policy brief on Disrupting the Status Quo: Promoting Children’s Rights Against Abuse.

Through this dialogue, we hope to identify necessary resources and opportunities to improve collaborative actions against child abuse and foster accountability for action against child abuse in communities. 

For more information, please contact:

Nonhlanhla Skosana, Community Education and Mobilisation Unit Manager.
[email protected] 

Nomalanga Ngwenya, Project Manager 
[email protected]

About Masiphephe Network 

The Masiphephe Network works toward reducing vulnerability to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and strengthening local governance GBV prevention and response. Community-based stakeholders from government, civil society, community media, and the private sector collaborate to strengthen the capacity of local structures to lead, coordinate, cultivate, advocate for, provide needed services, sustain multisectoral action, and manage a community response to GBV prevention and mitigation in South Africa. “Masiphephe” is a Nguni word meaning “Let’s be safe.”

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