From CaucusRoom <[email protected]>
Subject Census Blunder Favors Democrats
Date June 6, 2022 11:00 AM
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Dave Rubin Book Giveaway!

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It's Monday! Join us tomorrow for Freedom Hacks [[link removed]] with special guest Daniel Fenlason from the Colorado State Shooting Association to discuss gun rights. Census Blunder

The Census Bureau acknowledged that 14 states had significant miscounts in the 2020 census. The errors resulted in DEMOCRAT states getting a bunch of additional house representatives [[link removed]]and electors that they don’t deserve.

Presidential Straw Poll

Gov. Ron DeSantis once again swept a straw poll for 2024 presidential candidates [[link removed]]at the Western Conservative Summit, beating out former President Donald Trump and other possible contenders.

Dave Rubin Book Giveaway

Governor Ron DeSantis was accosted by a ranting left-wing gun-control advocate [[link removed]] at the Dave Rubin show in Orlando over the weekend. I'm giving away two signed copies of Dave Rubins's new book! [[link removed]]

Will Anyone be Fired?

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will assign an Inspector General to investigate the Biden administration’s response to America’s baby formula shortage. [[link removed]]

Elon Has Spoken

Elon Musk says he has a super bad feeling about the economy [[link removed]] and will be cutting 10% of the jobs at Tesla.

McCormick Concedes

Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick conceded to Mehmet Oz with the recount being largely complete. What do you think about Dr. Oz being on the ballot? [[link removed]]

Montana is Open for Business

Entrepreneurs are moving to Montana in record numbers and there is a very good reason why. [[link removed]]

Your Funny for the Day! Sometimes the original is better [[link removed]].Me, trying to save money [[link removed]]. The Ministry of Truth [[link removed]] has a new theme song.

State Primaries in June

June 7th: California [[link removed]], Iowa [[link removed]], Mississippi [[link removed]], Montana [[link removed]], New Jersey [[link removed]], New Mexico [[link removed]], South Dakota [[link removed]]June 14th: Maine [[link removed]], Nevada [[link removed]], North Dakota [[link removed]], South Carolina [[link removed]]June 2st: Virginia [[link removed]]June 28th: Illinois [[link removed]], Colorado [[link removed]], Utah [[link removed]], New York [[link removed]], Oklahoma [[link removed]] Get your ULTRA MAGA shirt here! [[link removed]] [[link removed]]

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