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Level up your advocacy with Dream Corps JUSTICE Advocacy Cohort
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Hi John,

I’m Kratina Baker, Empathy Network Manager at Dream Corps JUSTICE, and I help mobilize and lead the Empathy Network — those who have been touched by our broken criminal-legal system united in common purpose to change it. 

I am excited to announce the 2022 Dream Corps JUSTICE Empathy Network Advocacy Cohort.  If you are personally system-impacted, have a family member or close friend incarcerated, then this is your opportunity to make change. 

This is the second year of the program, which equips system-impacted people with new skills and knowledge to organize, lead, and influence change in our communities. Through the cohort, participants gain new perspectives on campaign planning and engagement, digital organizing and social media advocacy, building a local change-making community by recruiting volunteers, and much more! The program also provides an opportunity to be part of a peer group of like-minded individuals who are all striving to create solutions to mass incarceration.

We invite all systems-impacted individuals looking to lead in their communities to apply now to the 2022 Advocacy Cohort!

Apply Now!

Applications for the 2022 Empathy Network Advocacy Cohort will close on June 16th and will be reviewed by the JUSTICE selection committee. Participants will be notified in early July. 

Please note that the cohort has an in person component. All travel and accommodations will be provided. Ability to travel and attend all in person and virtual training courses is required. 

Schedule is as follows:
In Person (Georgia): July 16 - 17 & October 15 - 16
Virtual: July 20, August 3, August 24, September 7, September 21

Time is ticking, so apply today and become the change-maker you’ve always dreamed of. 

In solidarity,

– Kratina Baker and The Dream Corps JUSTICE Team

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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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