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Monday, June 6th, 2022

Why We Need Our Guns

Lew Rockwell

Rapid Cultural Decline and What Comes Next

Doug Casey

Why Shouldn’t You Give Up on Gold and Silver?

Peter Schiff

Perpendicular Parallels

The Z-Man

Mass Shootings Barely Compare to the Medical Violence Routinely Inflicted by Many Surgeons and Doctors

Mike Adams

Europol Warns Weapons Shipped To Ukraine Could Be Used By “Criminal Groups” For Years

Tyler Durden

Exclusive: Klaus Schwab Against Russia

American Confidence in the Economy Drops to Lowest Level Since 2009, Oil Prices Climb, Gas Prices Break Records, Main Street in Serious Trouble


Republicans Demand Answers from FBI on Surveillance of 3.3 Million Americans

Calvin Freiburger

US Cyber Chief Admits to Attacks Against Russia in Ukraine

RT News

Changing Cycles From Negative To Positive

Brent Russ

Coffee & Covid

Jeff Childers

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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