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The fight to win back the Senate has already started - and my friend Senator Todd Young needs your help to stop the Democrats’ radical-left wing agenda. I’ve known Todd a long time and I can assure you: he fights every single day to advance conservative policies in the U.S. Senate.
Joe Biden and his liberal allies are trying to turn America into a failed socialist state. Friend, It’s up to us to stop them.
It’s critical for Republicans to win back the Senate, and we absolutely need to hold this seat in November. Friend, that’s why I’m asking you to stand with me and support Todd Young today.
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Friend, Todd is a Marine who served on our southern border, so he understands how important it is to secure the border and finish the wall. He’s staunchly pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. And he was instrumental in helping confirm 234 Constitutionalist judges, including Indiana’s own Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
Friend, Democrats will do anything to keep Republicans from taking back the Senate. But with conservatives like Todd running, we have a real shot at reclaiming the Senate from Chuck Schumer. Can I count on you to fight back and stand with Senator Young?
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There’s so much at stake this election - thank you for your support.

Senator Mitch McConnell


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