John, It sounds like Sarah and Kate on the campaign team reached out already, but I wanted to follow up one more time. Hours away from our November end-of-month deadline, we’re still over $1,500 short of our goal. If we don’t pick up the pace, we could very well miss our second budget target in a row.

Keith Ellison for Attorney General


It sounds like Sarah and Kate on the campaign team reached out already, but I wanted to follow up one more time.

Hours away from our November end-of-month deadline, we’re still over $1,500 short of our goal. If we don’t pick up the pace, we could very well miss our second budget target in a row.

We can’t let that happen. Please rush a contribution of $10 or more before we run out of time. Anything helps right now.

President Trump and his right-wing allies are dumping serious money into Minnesota to try and flip us red next year. They know that if they succeed, Trump will be re-elected and they’ll drag our entire ticket down in the process.

If we’re not prepared to fight back, the consequences could be devastating. Please help us clear this last hurdle so we can finish the year strong. Make a contribution that works for you before midnight.

Thank you,

Keith Ellison








Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 80824, Minneapolis, MN 55408

We are prohibited by campaign finance law from accepting contributions from lobbyists and political committees during the regular legislative session.

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 80824
Minneapolis, MN 55408