In case you missed it: Dr. Oz is the official nominee of the Republican Party for U.S. Senate in his home state of New Jersey Pennsylvania!?
Accordingly, we created a little something inspired by classic 90s campaign bumper stickers to welcome Dr. Oz to the General Election.
Wouldn’t it be just simply delightful if we started seeing these plastered all over PA (and maybe even NJ)?
Look, the sticker is all in good fun. And we hope to raise a lot of money off of these stickers (because we’ll need it).
But what’s not funny is that a Hollywood guy like Oz can move to another state and spend millions of his own dollars to buy himself a Senate seat.
And his policy positions are no joke, too. Dr. Oz supports a nationwide ban on abortion, with no exceptions for rape or incest.
In the most important Senate race in the nation (Pennsylvania NOT New Jersey), we can’t let the GOP take this seat. And CANNOT let Dr. Oz win.
Got friends and family who’d want a sticker too? Forward them our email — anyone who donates any amount on the link will get one in the mail as soon as we can send them out. 😁
— Team Fetterman