As a good friend of IJM, you know that freedom goes beyond being rescued from exploitation. Freedom means having the tools and resources to thrive and be less vulnerable to future abuse.
IJM’s Spring Gift Catalog offers you a way to honor friends and loved ones with gifts that bring freedom. Birthdays, weddings and other special occasions are a great time to make a difference while you give—and Father’s Day is coming up!
Do you know someone who cares deeply about protecting those who are vulnerable? This is the perfect gift to honor a dad this Father’s Day!
When you purchase a gift, send one of our free, customizable e-cards to let your recipient know, or let us send you a free printed card.*
International Justice Mission complies fully with federal and state charitable solicitation
requirements, and meets all the Standards for Charity Accountability of the Better Business Bureau Wise
Giving Alliance. Full State Disclosure information.