Hey John,
I wanted to reach out to you personally to talk a bit about why launching our policy agenda -- this time last year -- to fight gun violence is so important.
Black and brown communities are being ravished by gun violence every day while the federal government continues to turn a blind eye. We simply can’t let it continue.
When it comes to putting an end to gun violence -- especially in frequently-forgotten communities of color -- we must attack the issue from all angles.
That’s why we created our grassroots policy framework that’s driven by communities directly impacted by violence. And it’s working.
Together we’re making a real difference. But there’s so much work to be done. That’s why we want to hit our $10,000 fundraising goal before midnight.
We’re just $1,891 away. So please, pitch in $5 or $10 now to help close the gap →
It’s devastating that every day 100 lives are senselessly lost to gun violence. This issue is urgent -- and if the federal government won’t act to make a difference, then we need to.
That’s why our policy agenda utilizes proven strategies to reduce gun violence led by those on fighting every day to end gun violence. From Congressional briefings, to launching our Policymakers for Peace initiative, community trainings, and building communities of support, we’re proud to be on the front lines of ending gun violence in communities of color.
We know that our policy agenda works: Studies show that we can reduce gun deaths by up to 63 PERCENT just by targeting those who are most likely to engage in gun violence and funding programs to help these individuals to lay down their guns.
We just need the funding to take action -- and to protect every life from gun violence.
So John, I’m asking. If you’re with us, can you please chip in $5 for our fight to end gun violence?
Community Justice Action Fund 1875 K St NW Washington, DC 20006 United States
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