OnlyFans is a Paradise for Pimps and Predators

OnlyFans has become the latest iteration of the commercial sex industry – and a very prominent and influential iteration at that. The site has skyrocketed to notoriety since being launched in 2016.

Today, OnlyFans is a household name and so mainstream that children are bombarded with OnlyFans promotions on their social media feeds. 

Yet as OnlyFans has grown in notoriety, so too has recognition that the platform is being used for exploitation and criminal activity.

Child Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking, and the Pornography Industry: Toxic Online Criminality 

Child sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and pornography have now merged online. Join us on June 13th from 3-5 PM on Capitol Hill (or via livestream) to learn how Congress can help curb online sexual exploitation with practical policy solutions.

Create a world where all people can live and love, free from sexual abuse and exploitation!

Your tax-deductible gift stands for those who cannot stand for themselves. Every dollar you give will expose, combat, and prevent sexual abuse and exploitation. Together with you, we are demanding change among the world’s biggest corporate abusers and profiteers from child sexual abuse, sexual trafficking, and pornography. Thank you for giving generously today!

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