From Jimmy & Adrienne <[email protected]>
Subject Happy Pride Month from your new CT Dems Vice Chairs
Date June 3, 2022 8:48 PM
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Hi John — it's Jimmy Tickey and Adrienne Billings-Smith, and we’re the Connecticut Democratic Party’s new Vice Chairs!

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Some of you already know us, but for those who don’t, it’s so great to meet you!

Jimmy is from the Naugatuck Valley, and you may know him as Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro’s former campaign manager. Today, he works with Congressman Jim Himes in addition to his role serving as Planning and Zoning Commissioner in Shelton and his work throughout Connecticut building a stronger Democratic bench.

Adrienne serves in many leadership positions in the West Hartford community, including as West Hartford Town Councilor, and was recently named Connecticut’s 2022 Remarkable Woman of the Year by WTNH in honor of her work making her community a safer and more welcoming place.

We are both so thrilled to be joining the incredible Connecticut Democrats team during this critical election year, and we’re ready to get to work building a stronger Party across our state!

You’ll hear more from us in the weeks and months ahead — but today, we’re reaching out to discuss how Connecticut Democrats are celebrating Pride Month, and how you can get more involved in our work protecting and expanding LGBTQ+ rights.

Pride Month is about celebrating love and promoting full equity for our LGBTQ+ community, which we are both proud members of along with CT Dems Executive Director Sarah Locke!

Connecticut is one of the most LGBTQ-friendly states in the country, and Connecticut Democrats are working hard every day to keep it that way through initiatives like our LGBTQ+ Caucus. You can join the CT Dems LGBTQ+ Caucus today to get involved with this work. [[link removed]]

Get Involved [[link removed]]

This year, Republicans across the country have pushed through a historic wave of legislation attacking the rights of LGBTQ+ teens, children, and their families, including the “don’t say gay” act in Florida.

In the wake of these disturbing attacks, it’s never been more important for us to stand united here in Connecticut and protect our LGBTQ+ community — and part of that work is supporting Democrats up and down the ballot who will fight for our rights.

In addition to getting involved with the CT Dems LGBTQ+ Caucus, you can help the Connecticut Democratic Party mobilize support for Democrats across our state who will fight for LGBTQ+ rights by purchasing an item from our online store’s Pride Month collection!

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John, no matter how you get involved in this year’s Pride Month celebration, thank you for being an ally, and thank you for supporting Connecticut Democrats in the fight against hate.

Jimmy Tickey, Vice Chair
Adrienne Billings-Smith, 2nd Vice Chair
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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