For the Girls, Gays, and Theys: DFP Presents Accountable Allies
Happy Pride!! Each year, hundreds of corporations around the country participate in the annual celebration of the LGBTQ+ community’s history and progress. They present themselves as LGBTQ+ allies, but new research from Data for Progress finds that in between their yearly parade appearances, dozens of these corporations are giving to state politicians behind some of the most bigoted and harmful policies in over a decade.
Activists and allies wishing to hold these politicians accountable for bigotry can begin by holding their corporate backers accountable. In a new project series, Data for Progress has compiled a set of resources for activists, employees, community leaders, and lawmakers to push back on these policies and the prejudice powering them. We provide research tying the political giving of specific Fortune 500 companies to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians in six states, polling showing that such giving hurts the brands’ favorability, and upcoming policy memos to understand the issue and to take action.
We even made a fun little interactive chart so you can see who gave how much and to whom!

Check out the whole project here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
Women still do not have equal protection under the law. 50 years after it’s proposal, women are still fighting for abortion access, equal pay, and maternal healthcare. However, we find that 70 percent of voters mistakenly believe women and men are guaranteed equal rights in the Constitution. Additionally, 53 percent of voters know “a little” about the ERA and only 23 percent know “a lot.”
Despite the need for an increase in ERA education, 85 percent of voters say that they would support Congress passing the Equal Rights Amendment, including 93 percent of Democrats, 79 percent of Independents, and 79 percent of Republicans.

Read the full polling analysis here and tell your lawmakers that we need the ERA now.
Voters Are Concerned About the Baby Formula Shortage
The baby formula shortage has caused national concern and has rightfully gained significant media attention. A new poll by Data for Progress finds 94 percent of voters have heard about the shortage. While not everyone is directly affected by the baby formula shortage, voters agree that it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Among the 6 percent of voters who indicate they are the parents of infants, 57 percent say they or their family have struggled to find formula.

By cracking down on price gouging, making baby formula products available to low-income families, and approving imported baby formula, we can make the lives of families affected by the shortage easier. Read the full polling analysis here. If you need help finding formula or milk for your child, check out the Free Formula Exchange.
Independents and Democrats Join Forces for Social Security
Senator Rick Scott’s agenda includes a plan to “sunset” Social Security and Medicare if Congress doesn’t vote to reauthorize them every five years. But new polling from Data for Progress shows that there’s a more effective message than simply slamming Scott’s plan: contrasting the Scott proposal with Democratic plans to expand Social Security benefits.
The polling finds that telling Independent voters about Scott's plan and Democrats’ opposition to it makes them 39 points more likely to vote for a Democrat. But telling them about the Scott plan and Democrats’ proposal to increase Social Security benefits makes them 58 points more likely to vote for a Democrat. That’s a 19-point difference — a significant margin in a year where frontline Democrats are facing tough re-election odds.

Read the full polling analysis here.
This Week From DFP
Texas Poll: Texas Voters Support Expanding Clean Energy Production and Strengthening Regulations on Oil and Gas Producers
Poll: Voters Agree That Taxing the Rich Could Help Alleviate Inflation
Pennsylvania Poll: Pennsylvania Voters Across Parties Support Public Investments for Housing Repairs
Poll: Voters Increasingly View Abortion as a Top Priority
Poll: Two Tools to Solve Traffic Violence
Memo: Voters Strongly Disapprove of Companies Funding LGBTQ+ Hate