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In Joe Biden's address to the nation on gun control on Thursday night, he made one thing abundantly clear to the American people: Democrats are coming for our guns.

Clearly, the president fails to understand the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution explicitly stating the right of the people to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed." No God-given right is safe if our right to keep and bear arms and self-defense is gone.

We will continue reporting the truth about how guns save lives, the truth about the president's and anti-gun mobs' communist gun control proposals, and call out their outright lies... but we need your help.

Last night, Biden once again called for another "assault weapon" ban and falsely claimed the 1994 Assault Weapon ban reduced the number of mass shootings across the country. This is false, and Townhall's Katie Pavlich has previously debunked one of Joe Biden's favorite lies once and for all.

If the Democrats cannot ban AR-15s or magazines, at a minimum, they not only want a national red flag law, the consequences of which would be devastating, but they also want to raise the age to purchase a gun to 21. For Democrats, you can go to war and die for your country at 18, but you cannot purchase a gun for self-defense.

Democrats who want to dictate gun policy are absolutely clueless about firearms. Just this week, President Biden referred to 9mm ammunition as "high caliber," stating it is not necessary to own. In reality, a ban on 9mm ammunition would effectively ban a majority of handguns. Of course, the White House walked back the president's statement, but the damage was already done. We know where they stand.

It is time for conservatives and law-abiding gun owners to stand up and fight back against this radical administration and the traitorous RINOs on Capitol Hill that want to disarm us.

By joining Townhall VIP, you will become part of the Townhall army working to save America and our beloved freedoms, especially the Second Amendment.

We won't back down. Join us in this war.

Every penny is devoted to telling the truth liberals don't want you to know and ensuring the decimation of the left and saving America.
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