Did you see this?
Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a permanent END to LGBTQ+ Pride
Month - further proving what we already know: Marjorie Taylor Greene
is a bigot who wants to attack the LGBTQ+ community every chance she
First: It was homophobic attacks directed at Pete
Then: She baselessly claimed that “straight people
will go extinct in the next 150 years,”
And now: Marjorie Taylor Greene is trying to put
an end to LGBTQ+ Pride Month.
We can’t let her get away with this. We have to stand
up for the LGBTQ+ community.
Defeating Marjorie Taylor Greene at the ballot box in
November IS possible. But we need your help.
you stand up to her bigotry by donating to the Marcus Flowers campaign
TODAY? Marcus is the Democratic nominee who is going to defeat
Marjorie Taylor Greene!
We’ve got to end Marjorie Taylor Greene’s tenure of terror - and
with your help? Marcus Flowers can unseat her in November.
Let’s do this, Team Flowers
Paid for by
Marcus for Georgia PO Box 532 Rome, GA 30162 United