The Daily Caller: Is affirmative action next for SCOTUS?


Wen Fa spoke to The Daily Caller about what could happen in the next Supreme Court term in Harvard’s affirmative action case, in which Pacific Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief. “The Constitution demands that the government treat individuals as individuals and not as members of arbitrary racial groups,” Fa said. “Government increases opportunity by tearing down government-imposed barriers to achievement, not by doling out preferences on the basis of race.”

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Reason magazine: California considers mandating even more sexual harassment training for college students


California is considering a bill that would mandate even more sexual harassment training for college students. Alison Somin told Reason that the proposed law is “essentially a state subsidy to the trainers and consultants who teach these courses and the firms that develop them.”

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The nondelegation doctrine, as illustrated by The X-Files


mulder and scully

What’s wrong with Congress delegating its lawmaking authority to the executive branch? We’re using an episode of the television show The X-Files to help explain why the nondelegation doctrine matters.

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