Freedom House invites you to the following virtual event:
USAID Administrator Samantha Power to Deliver Major Policy Address on Future of Democracy and Development Around the World
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. ET
Virtual/Livestream Event

From Kyiv to Khartoum to Hong Kong, around the world freedoms are under assault, development progress is threatened, and democracy is facing a critical moment. Freedom House is pleased to welcome USAID Administrator Samantha Power for a major address on the future of democracy and development around the world.
Freedom declined for the 16th consecutive year in 2021, according to Freedom House’s annual analysis of global freedoms.
Despite years of democratic decline and the rise of authoritarianism, the current moment presents a pivotal opportunity to reverse these trends and create a more democratic, peaceful, and prosperous future. In this critical time, the world’s free nations, multilateral institutions, private sector partners, and civil society can demonstrate that democracies can deliver in a way that autocracies never will, and meet the challenges we face from food insecurity to COVID-19 to climate change.
Administrator Power will be speaking from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
