
Dear John,

As we continue to prepare for the June 18 Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls, we want to make sure you hear directly from our national co-chairs about why it is important for you to be in Washington, D.C.!


Bishop William Barber, II, and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis will be in Lancaster, PA this Saturday, June 4 at 5pm, and we want to see you there. 





On Saturday, we will prioritize the voices, needs and demands of the 140 million poor and low-wealth people in this country, 4.7 million of whom live in Pennsylvania. We will confront the lies of scarcity and we will declare that everybody has the right to live and thrive in this country! We will put forward a Third Reconstruction agenda that centers the poor and demand our right to participate in the decisions that impact our lives.

From Lancaster, we’re going to D.C. on June 18 for the Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls. This is not just a day of action, but a declaration to build a moral movement that will change the heart and soul of this nation.

See you in Lancaster!


Poor People’s Campaign Team