2022 George Angell Birthday Email Header

Dear John,

June 5th might be just another Sunday to you…

But it’s actually the day the MSPCA will celebrate our founder, Mr. George Thorndike Angell!

His 199th birthday, to be exact.

A man with humble beginnings who quickly became known as a person of integrity and social commitment, Angell is one of the brightest torchbearers of the early American anticruelty movement.

Upon learning that two horses had literally been raced to death by callous riders, Angell took immediate action and wrote a strong letter of protest, which ended up appearing in the Boston Daily Advertiser in 1868. Then, through a string of events and a few new acquaintances, Angell officially incorporated the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

In the 154 years since, the MSPCA has proudly given a voice to the voiceless and wholeheartedly pursued Angell’s vision of kindness, protection, and care for animals.

We now provide hands-on support to more than 105,000 animals every single year, and that’s thanks to the strong foundation set by our founder … and your compassionate involvement.

So join us in celebrating his birthday, and his devotion to animals, as you see fit on June 5th.

Take care!


Neal Litvack


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