It happened slowly at first. One-off statements and the occasional news story. A few rogue extremists and a handful of bogus lawsuits.
But what began as a fringe movement has gone mainstream. Authoritarians across the country are trying to destroy our free and fair democracy – threatening honest election workers into resigning so they can replace them with handpicked authoritarians.
America is witnessing a national coordinated attack on our elections. And I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to stand by and let them win without a fight.
My latest piece for the RepresentUs blog walks through the major threats to our elections and gives you four ways to beat back authoritarians. Check it out today. >>

Since the 2020 election, authoritarians have been fine-tuning their strategy to destroy our free and fair elections:

That’s it, John. With these four steps, authoritarians can undermine our democracy and take power out of the hands of everyday voters.
That’s why RepresentUs launched a national Election Protection campaign. Our goal is simple: Give pro-democracy Americans an outlet to stand up for nonpartisan election workers and protect free and fair elections.
We may have a fight ahead of us, but every new American who joins our team makes us that much more likely to defeat authoritarianism.
So check out my blog post and share it with others now to get involved in the fight to protect our elections. >>

Jenny Zimmer National Organizing Director RepresentUs