Ala. Action Coalition’s Dawson to Lead Black Nurses Assn.
An Alabama Health Action Coalition leader has been elected president of the National Black Nurses Association. Congratulations to Martha Dawson, DNP, co-chair of the Action Coalition’s diversity committee, for her new role. (The Campaign has impressive leaders in its ranks: Dawson will replace Eric J. Williams, DNP, RN, CNE, FAAN, who serves on the Campaign’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Steering Committee.)
Future of Nursing 2030 Town Hall Takes on Complex Needs
Watch it! That is, watch and weigh in via webcast as the National Academy of Medicine comes to Philadelphia on Wednesday, July 24 to hear about complex health needs. “Payment and Care for Complex Health and Social Needs” starts at 8:30 a.m. ET. Viewers may submit questions to the Future of Nursing 2030 study committee.
Penn. Action Coalition Produces “At the Core of Care” Podcast
Pennsylvania’s Action Coalition gets into the podcast business with “At the Core of Care,” which takes a look at the relationships nurses have with their communities and patients. The series goes beyond Pennsylvania’s borders, highlighting creativity nurses use to meet health needs. The podcast is supported by the Future of Nursing: Campaign for ActionInnovations Fund.
Behind the obstacles that make it harder for nurses to do their jobs are stories of human suffering. That’s what hit home for one Center to Champion Nursing in America staff member as he listened to California advanced practice registered nurses talk about their efforts.
Nurse Saw Potential Housing for Homeless in Abandoned Motels
Paul Leon, RN, BSN, MBA, used his background in both business and health care to see a match between the homeless problem, and underused buildings. From that beginning, he established the Illumination Foundation. And now he’s an AARP Well-Being Champion. assesses the successes in education, workforce diversity, and more since the Future of Nursing
report was published in 2010, and previews the National Academy of Medicine’s work looking to 2020 through 2030. Interviewed are Susan B. Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, director of the Campaign for Action; Mary Dickow, MPA, FAAN; and Karren Kowalski, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN.
The Future of Nursing West Virginia Action Coalition (FONWV) has selected 40 emerging nurse leaders for its 40 Under 40 awards, those who have demonstrated exceptional leadership capabilities in a variety of nursing settings. The 40 will be recognized September 28 at a gala, and mentored throughout the year.
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Seeking New Director
The search is on for a new director of County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, a nationally recognized collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Candidates are encouraged to submit materials by July 24.
Become One of the First Johnson & Johnson Innovation Fellows
The Johnson & Johnson Nurse Innovation Fellowship aims to strengthen the leadership and entrepreneurial skills of nurses. The two-year program is open to RNs with at least three years of experience who work in health services, or organizations related to public health, research, or health policy. Deadline: July 31.
The American Association for Men in Nursing seeks nominations for its inaugural Inclusion and Diversity Excellence Award—or IDEA—to honor individuals or organizations that raise the bar for inclusion and diversity in nursing. Deadline for submission: August 1.
Nurses are rarely quoted as experts in news coverage, as noted in the Woodhull Study Revisited: Nurses’ Representation in Health News Media 20 Years Later. The inaugural GW Nursing Journalism Award seeks to change that by recognizing journalists who use nurses as key sources. Deadline to nominate a journalist: August 15.
Journal Seeks Abstracts for Future of Nursing Issue
Nursing Education Perspectives will devote its fall 2020 issue to The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report, 10 years after its publication. Action Coalitions and others are encouraged to submit manuscripts about nursing education research studies relevant to the report by January 1, 2020.
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