Should the age to purchase a handgun be raised?
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Happy Friday! If you are attending the Western Conservative Summit [[link removed]] today and tomorrow, stop by the CaucusRoom booth and say Hi to Adam, Matt, and a few of the Council members. Protect Out Kids Act
The gun control bill, known as the Protect Our Kids Act, calls for raising the legal age limit to purchase firearms from 18 to 21 [[link removed]], among other things. What do you think about the age limit?
Biden Has NO Plan for Inflation
He has taken a series of steps that have been designed to shut down, reduce the amount of oil and gas production [[link removed]] in the United States and stop exploration.
Inconvenient Truth
CNN told the truth! They pointed to a Gallup poll showing that a majority of Americans are either satisfied with the current level of gun control [[link removed]]—or actually want less gun control!
Woke Military
The US Air Force and Marines have joined woke corporations by tweeting about Pride month. It's so embarrassing! [[link removed]]
Joe Won't Like This
Hunter Biden's ex-wife has a new memoir coming out soon [[link removed]] and it's going to be another black eye on the Biden family.
The View is the Worst
Hosts of The View have called for getting rid of the Republican party [[link removed]] saying they're are the party of white supremacy and massacres. Interesting how most of these shooters are democrats.
Feedback Needed!
Did you know that 65% of county election offices reported a shortage of workers in 2022? We’d love to help more conservatives get active on election day, so we’ve got a short survey for you. [[link removed]]
Your Funny for the Day! The FBI can't be trusted [[link removed]].Kamala's next book report. [[link removed]]A look at the Sussmann jury [[link removed]].
State Primaries in June
June 7th: California [[link removed]], Iowa [[link removed]], Mississippi [[link removed]], Montana [[link removed]], New Jersey [[link removed]], New Mexico [[link removed]], South Dakota [[link removed]]June 14th: Maine [[link removed]], Nevada [[link removed]], North Dakota [[link removed]], South Carolina [[link removed]]June 2st: Virginia [[link removed]]June 28th: Illinois [[link removed]], Colorado [[link removed]], Utah [[link removed]], New York [[link removed]], Oklahoma [[link removed]] Get your ULTRA MAGA shirt here! [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
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