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Time to Reestablish the Concepts of Duty and Accountability

Kurt Schlichter

Don't Let RINOs Give Away Your Second Amendment Rights

Spencer Brown

It Cometh Before the Fall

Larry O'Connor

How White Actress Court Cases Affect Black Women and Black Shooters Equal White Supremacy

Brad Slager


Victor Davis Hanson

Visit D.C.’s New Museum Honoring the Victims of Communism

Gabriella Hoffman

If 'No One Wants to Take Our Guns,' Stop Saying the Opposite

Larry Elder

What Is the US End Goal in Ukraine?

Josh Hammer

US and Ukraine, Goals in Conflict

Pat Buchanan

Amber Heard's Statement After Losing Trial Leaves Court Watchers 'Stunned'

Leah Barkoukis

The Liberal Media Is Going to Bury the Tulsa Shooting

Matt Vespa

Biden Triples Down on Gun Bans for Americans While Repeating a False Claim

Katie Pavlich

CNN's Latest Effort to Save Itself

Sarah Arnold

University of Michigan Forms Pro-Abortion Task Force

Maddy Welsh

Here We Go Again with Another Graph That Does NOT Actually Help Biden, This Time on Baby Formula

Rebecca Downs

Border Patrol Agents Stopped the Uvalde Shooter. Democrats Now Want to Investigate Their Actions.

Julio Rosas

Politics as the Leisure of the Theory Class

Michael Barone

Yes, Biden Deserves Blame for Inflation

David Harsanyi

Our Culture of Violence

Emmett Tyrrell

America's Real Crises

Laura Hollis

When Will Magical Economic Thinking from Biden and Co. End?

Veronique de Rugy

It's Time To Move Past the Gun Control Debate Loop

Neil Patel

Former WHO Directors Slam Organization’s Harm Reduction Stance, And with Good Cause

Martin Cullip

Biden Makes Cannon Fodder of History

Jonathan Emord

The Missing Element In The Debate About Guns

Cal Thomas

Anti-Semitism on the Rise

Jerry Newcombe

Things Get Heated at Congressional Hearing Over Gun Rights

Sarah Arnold

Departing Meta COO To Shift Focus to Women’s Rights and Abortion

Madeline Leesman

A Major Talking Point About Polling Biden vs. Trump Has Now Gone Out the Window

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
If guns are the problem, then explain this |
What could the AG’s new use of force policy mean? |
Science Magazine editor slapped down over anti-gun rhetoric |
Beto gets standing ovation, but does it matter? |
Not all Democrats pushing for bans right now |
Research shows armed teachers save lives |