Dear John,
Join us to end the funding of war and weapons and transform the militarism that has become U.S. culture. We will be in the streets with our messages: Money for the Poor, Not for War, Food Not Bombs, Healthcare Not Warfare, Education Not Annihilation, and more. It's vital that all of us right now call for an end to militarism, poverty, and racism and rise with love to nourish and nurture life for people and the planet. While those in power believe and are acting as if they can win a nuclear war, we must act from our knowledge and truth that war is destructive and benefits no one except the ruling class. Join CODEPINK to be together at this potent time in history where we are told that bombs = peace and war is necessary to prevent more violence. We know better, but our voices are being silenced by the media. We must make our own path and lift our own voices up. Sign up here to join us. We know that not everyone will be able to come in person. If you can't attend but want to support a young activist to attend, we already have 30 jumping on a bus in Chicago and have room for more. Unfortunately, prices have gone up due to shortages. Help support young activists by donating here! We have a whole lineup starting on Thursday, June 18, with a protest outside Congress. We will have a peace illumination on Friday, June 17. On the 18th, the day of the convergence, we are hosting a dinner and cultural programing following the march. Sunday, along with Juneteenth celebrations, there will be educational activist workshops. If you would like to arrive on the 17th and/or want to stay until the 19th, there is housing available at the Washington Seminar Center. Sign up here!`s Bring a friend. Bring a couple of coworkers. Bring your whole family! If you’re funding someone’s trip, get a friend to donate for another young activist to come as well. Solidarity begins with realizing that if one of us wins, we all win. Our struggles are connected to one another and this is the moment to declare loudly that we will not let the ruling class and war profiteers destroy humanity with endless wars. sign up now to learn more about housing and transportation See you in the streets! Towards
peace, P.S. Join us next week, June 8-10 either in person in LA or virtually for the People's Summit for Democracy. Wear your message for peace and start the conversation anywhere! Stay informed with last week's webinars including inspiration from Reverend Barber: ➡️ How
War-mongering Now Includes a Nuclear War
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