Josh Stein for Attorney General


Earlier this month, less than 24 hours after ten people were killed in Buffalo by an illegally modified AR-15, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson bragged about his own AR-15 saying: 

“I got them AR-15s at home, and I like to go target shooting and all that. But that’s not what they’re there for… I got them AR-15s in case the government gets too big for his britches cause I’m gonna fill the backside of them britches with some lead.” 

Lt. Governor Robinson's statement is incredibly dangerous. To say that you have an AR-15 to shoot government officials is simply unacceptable. 

These remarks came to light this past weekend when Lt. Governor Robinson spoke at the NRA’s convention in Texas just days after the devastating school shooting in Uvalde. In his remarks, this is what he said about common sense gun violence protections:

“It is not going to happen!... It’s time for the law-abiding patriots in this nation to stand up and say, ‘hell no!’ We will not go, and you will not take them!”

This is shameful behavior, full stop. As our country reels from yet another mass shooting, we need leaders who are focused on serving the public, not pushing culture wars and putting the gun lobby ahead of North Carolinians’ safety.

It’s well past time to elect leaders who believe in universal background checks and red flag laws and who will prioritize folks’ safety. That’s Josh’s commitment. 

If you’re with us, we hope you’ll pitch in a few dollars now to support our work, and to send a powerful message that the people of North Carolina deserve better than politicians like Mark Robinson — who clearly values the gun lobby over protecting the people he serves.


Thank you for standing with us,

Team Stein