Happy Hour, ArtBuild, and Volunteer Opportunities

Dear John,


DC is getting ready for June 18th!


CELEBRATE Pride Month with GLAA, fellow DC Poor People's Campaign activists and partner at a Happy Hour at Trade Bar (1410 14th St NW) at 5:00pm on Monday June 6.


CREATE with local artists. Live screen printing and live music at Lamont Plaza in Mt Pleasant at 6:00pm pm on Thursday June 9.


SPREAD THE WORD about the June 18th Mass Poor People's & Low Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls by distributing flyers, calling, texting, making art.


  • Stop by our office at National Capital Christian Church (5 Thomas Circle) to pick up materials on Mondays & Tuesdays from 1-4 and Wednesdays & Fridays from 12-2 or email us at washingtondc@poorpeoplescampaign.org to arrange another time.
  • SIGN UP HERE  to join other local activists to get the word out. There's something happening every day.


DC Poor People's Campaign
