Hi John,
On Sunday, June 12th, the early bird gets the worm. Or, in this case, to hear Madeleine Para's updates on CCL's future policy objectives live at the June Conference.
The virtual portion of CCL’s June Conference will be on Zoom Events. To register for Zoom Events, you must have at least a free Zoom account and you will be prompted to log in to your Zoom account. If you don’t already have one, please sign up for a free Zoom account before registering.
Madeleine takes the stage at 9:15am ET sharp. She will share more about the policy areas that CCL is likely to support in the future, in addition to carbon fee and dividend.
Don't worry, there'll be a recording if you can't make it live. And, yes, we know it's 6:15am on the West Coast. But, we hope to see you there!

Alison Kubicsko
CCL National Events Manager
[email protected]
PS. Check out our program to see all the sessions that will be live streamed for the virtual conference. There's lots to choose from.