![]() Patriot, As we warned in Tuesday’s email, Congress is scrambling to pass new anti-gun rights laws, and as we predicted, a national “Red Flag” law is the central piece of the bill in the U.S. Senate. In the House, the Judiciary Committee had a hearing on a different bill this morning, which would substantially deprive young adults of the right to self-defense with a firearm, ban all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, fully ban so-called “bump stocks,” force a federal “safe storage” provision, ban the private transfer or sale of firearms, and more . The committee is chaired by anti-gun zealot Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), and at the hearing, Representative Mondaire Jones (D-NY) threatened that if Republicans in the Senate filibuster any of their gun control bills, Democrats will end the filibuster, and if the Supreme Court overturns the law, Democrats will pack the court. Empty threats from a demented lunatic? Possibly. . . But remember: the Senate was only two votes away from gutting the filibuster earlier this year, and one of those votes was Joe Manchin (D-WV), who was a core member of the failed “Schumer-Toomey-Manchin” anti-gun rights bill in 2013. Nothing is truly off the table while Democrats are in power, and it only takes nine weak Republicans to overcome any filibuster attempt. Several Republicans have already come out in support of more gun control so it could take only a few more give Joe Biden a victory on guns. At this moment, Red Flag legislation is the biggest threat (but that could change quickly). In 2018, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) attempted to negotiate a national “Red Flag” law. It was only because of the pressure of the grassroots that President Donald Trump himself backed away from “Red Flag” legislation. In 2019, Trump said “take the guns first, go through due process second.” Make no mistake: a national “Red Flag Law” is gun confiscation without due process of law. These laws specifically target law-abiding citizens who have not committed a crime; in other words, it’s an unconstitutional “pre-crime” program similar to what you’d expect to see in Communist China (making the term “Red Flag” appropriate for what these laws achieve). Guilty until proven innocent The targets of these laws are law-abiding gun owners, who are typically the victims of false accusations by upset partners or other personal enemies. Most state “Red Flag” laws do not provide penalties for false accusations, and the ones that do are basically a slap on the wrist. Based on a mere accusation, a law-abiding gun owner is subjected to an "ex parte" hearing (a secret court proceeding in which the gun owner is not allowed to offer any exonerating evidence and isn't even informed of the hearing). Victims are almost always deemed guilty. And if you think state “Red Flag” laws are dangerous, imagine federal agents confiscating your guns without due process, and you having to face federal prosecutors to get your rights back. Our best chance to stop it is in the U.S. Senate – with your petitions. TELL YOUR SENATORS
NOW: OPPOSE THE ATTACKS ON YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS The statists in Washington, D.C. do not want YOU – a peaceful, law-abiding citizen – to own guns so you can defend yourself and your family from the violent thugs egged on and nurtured by THEIR policies and rhetoric. . . THEY KNOW gun control laws only affect peaceful, law-abiding citizens like you. . . THEY KNOW criminals don’t obey laws, and THEY KNOW if they confiscate your guns, more victims will be created. . . . . . by leaving you defenseless when the thugs they spawned come for you. Yet, as typically occurs after a horrific and senseless mass shooting, the anti-gun lobby has kicked into high gear, eager to capitalize on the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas to advance their anti-Second Amendment agenda – despite zero connection between the policies they are proposing and the circumstances of the tragedy. With a projected “Red Wave” coming this November, Democrats are eager for something – anything – to change the subject from Biden’s endless blunders, failures, and disasters at home and abroad. They want you to forget that they were behind the efforts to defund the police and open the border to allow uncontrolled immigration. They instigated the early release of thousands of violent convicts and celebrated the lawlessness during the 2020 riots – all of these things are the main drivers of gun violence in America these past several years. Also a huge contributor: a crumbling economy and psychologically traumatic mass lockdowns that helped precipitate its crumbling and gave rise to mental issues. Gun violence is the product of statism, not freedom. TELL YOUR SENATORS
NOW: OPPOSE THE ATTACKS ON YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS The statists in Congress are in total opposition to protecting your gun rights, and to varying degrees, support eliminating them completely. They want YOU defenseless while THEY are highly protected by hired guns paid for with YOUR taxpayer dollars! And if they pass a national “Red Flag” law, don’t expect them to stop there. They’ll continue escalating with demands that gun owners submit themselves to a national gun registry and surrender our rifles and magazines. Democrats in the House are proposing raising the age for purchasing a semi-automatic weapon to 21, and Joe Biden is claiming that 10 rounds is too many. All week, Biden has made false statements about guns and our right to own them. He repeated his false statements that “the Second Amendment was never absolute” and that “you couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.” He also recently falsely claimed a 9mm bullet was “high caliber,” suggesting that a ban on all medium and large caliber ammunition is being floated, and that a 9mm bullet “blows the lung out of the body,” a statement too absurd even for the movies. Senator Joe Manchin – leader of the “Schumer-Toomey-Manchin” gun control scheme that ultimately failed amid massive public opposition in 2013 – said talks this time around “feel very different.” “I’ve never been in this frame of mind,” Manchin said. There’s no doubt about it. In the wake of the recent shootings, an all-out push for gun rights restrictions is coming fast. The Senate is the chamber where we have the best chance to stop it – but Republican leadership is already showing signs of weakness. We’ve got to pull out all the stops. Just on the Republican side, we have Mitch McConnell (KY), Pat Toomey (PA), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME), Lindsey Graham (SC), Roy Blunt (MO), John Cornyn (TX), Thom Tillis (NC), Marco Rubio (FL), Rick Scott (FL), and Mitt Romney (UT), all of whom are weak on gun rights. They all need to be reminded their base demands they defend the Bill of Rights. TELL YOUR SENATORS
NOW: OPPOSE THE ATTACKS ON YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS As the anti-gun lobby bitterly admits, pro-2nd Amendment patriots have managed to fend off attacks on our gun rights over the past 20 years, and in many places, even partially restored our natural right to self-defense. That only happened because patriots like you spoke up. Now is the time to speak out again. Democrats “never let a crisis go to waste,” in the words of former Obama presidential advisor and mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. But the statist politicians and their families won’t pay the same price as people like you and me. Anyone needing proof of that need look no further than the gun crimes of President Joe Biden’s son, for which he has never been charged. Hunter Biden lied to the ATF about his serious drug addiction to obtain a handgun in 2018. He even admitted to it in text messages to a former celebrity psychiatrist, which were found on the infamous “laptop from hell” he abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop. He even admitted to “losing” the illegal gun. “She [Hallie Biden, widow of his
brother Beau, who Hunter had since taken as a lover] stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can full to the top at
Jansens [sic]. Then told me it was my problem to deal with. Then when the police the FBI the secret service [sic] came on the scene she said she took it from me because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile relationship and that she was afraid for the kids. In just that string of texts, the son of the president admitted he illegally bought a gun, had it stolen out of fear he would shoot children, and that the police, FBI, and Secret Service all knew about the entire incident. And these monsters dare lecture us about responsible gun ownership. It’s obscene. TELL YOUR SENATORS
NOW: OPPOSE THE ATTACKS ON YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS If you speak out now, we can defeat gun control in the Senate – the latest, most desperate attempt by the Democrats to shift the narrative. Campaign for Liberty staff has been developing a plan and zeroing in on key Senators who need the most attention right now. But every U.S. Senator needs to hear from their constituents right now so there is no doubt in their minds they will be held accountable if they restrict YOUR rights because of the acts of a deranged criminal. Even if your U.S. Senators are Democrats, speaking out is critical. They are desperate to keep their majority, and if enough patriots speak out, they may back off. Every petition contributes to their awareness of the political environment, and this is how Second Amendment groups stopped the big gun rights grab of 2013. And after you sign your petition, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty. We are fighting legislative battles in real time. This is one we can – and MUST – win. Thanks for everything you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is a critical moment and we need patriots to stand strong for the Second Amendment. The Senate could move quickly. Contact your U.S. Senators now, and demand they oppose any attack on the Second Amendment. P.P.S. Campaign for Liberty doesn’t just deliver hard-hitting takes on political news: with every step, we’re fighting for real-world impact on lawmakers, mobilizing the grassroots on the most important issues of our time. We are only able to do so with the support of patriots like you – and the more support we have, the more we can do. If you support Campaign for Liberty’s mission, please support us with a contribution today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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