Friend, liberals have made it clear: the American people are the enemy.
Their new bill proved it - that's why I stopped it in the Senate.
The "Domestic Terror" legislation should have been called by its more accurate name: the Democrat plan to brand our police and soldiers as white supremacists and neo-Nazis. How insulting.
The bill also created two other Thought Police offices at the Department of Justice and at the FBI. This seems like a self-defeating choice since elsewhere in the bill, we are told that federal law enforcement is shot through with White supremacists and neo-Nazis!
You couldn't make this stuff up, Friend - but it tells you exactly how radical Democrats in Washington are getting.
We literally just got done taking down the DHS Ministry of Truth, and just a day later, Democrats tried to create DHS Thought Police we had to take down too!
Now don't get me wrong - I will never back down from this fight. But Friend, I could really use help to put an end to this radical reign and TAKE BACK THE SENATE.
Please, join me now by making an immediate donation.